This page is part of the documentation of auKsys/5

WARNING auKsys/5 has been released as stable, but this documentation has not been fully updated with changes since auKsys/4. In case of questions or mistakes, you can use the support project.

The kDBWebServer is an extension that enables a web server which can be used to interract with a store. The webserver deliver both an HTML user interface (accessible by default as http://localhost:8888/) and an API.


  • /sparql.html is a SPARQL end-point compliant with SPARQL 1.1 Protocol, it supports the following request parameters:
    • query (exactly 1) the query string
    • default-graph-uri (0 or 1, available in kDB >= 5.1) the URI of the default graph for the query
    • Accept (0 or more) format for the result of the query. kDBWebServer currently support the following format: text/html, application/sparql-results+json and application/sparql-results+xml.
  • /krql.html is a used to execute krQL queries. It supports the query and Accept parameters.

Further Reading