Since kDB 4.2, a new module for storing and querying JSON documents is available, via the kDBDocuments interface. This page describes the kDQL query language used by the module. kDQL queries are valid YAML documents. In kDBDocuments the documents (also ref)

Basic structure

All queries are represented as an YAML Map with a single key (among create, drop, retrieve…). It is possible to use bindings, with external value, using the !binding tag:

%TAG !,2023:
  what: "*"
  from: tests
    name: !binding name_value

name_value will be replaced by the value given in the bindings in query API call.

Creation Query

This query is used to add documents to a collection. The creation query uses the create key, it expects an YAML Map with two keys:

  • into: a string with the name of the collection where the values will be added. If the collection does not exists, it will be created.
  • documents: a list of documents that will be stored in the collection.

For instance, the following query add three documents into the tests collection:

  into: tests
    - name: "a"
      age: 10
      location: "world"
    - name: "b"
      age: 20
      location: "universe"
    - name: "b"
      age: 30
      location: "world"

Sometime a string in a document might be too large to store directly in the query, and it is more convenient to store it in a seperate file. Then it is possible to use !include tag, as follow:

%TAG !,2023:
- drop:
    - domains 
- create:
    into: domains
      - name: spot_domain
        pddl: !include spot_domain.pddl

This query assumes the existence of a spot_domain.pddl file that will be read and the value of the field pddl will be set to the content of the file.

Retrieve Query

This query is used to retrieve documents from a collection. The retrieve query uses the retrieve key, it expects an YAML Map with three keys:

  • what: either the string "*" or a list of string. If what is set to "*" then the matching documents are returned. If what is set to a list of string, then the value of those documents are returned in different columns.
  • from: a string with the name of the collection,
  • matches: a template describing how to match the documents. Currently kDQL only support equality.

The following query will retrieve all the documents with a field name equal to "a" from the tests collection:

  what: "*"
  from: tests
    name: "a"

The following query will retrieve returns the fields name and age of the documents with a field name equal to "b" and location equal to "world" from the tests collection:

  what: [name, age]
  from: tests
    name: "b"
    location: "world"

Drop Query

This query is used to remove a collection of documents. The drop query uses the drop key, it expects a sequence of strings with the name of the collections to remove.

For instance, the following query will drop two collections (collection 1 and collection 2):

  - collection 1
  - collection 2

Composite Queries

kDQL allows to execute multiple queries at once, then the root element of the YAML document should be an array. For instance:

- drop:
    - test 
- create:
    into: test
      - name: hello
        location: world

This query will remove the test collection and create a new entry in the test collection with the given values.