The kDB ROS Server is the main interface between a running ROS system and the knowledge database (kDB).


The ros_kdb package provide a server with the following functionnalities:

  • recording of topics
  • querying services (RDF Graph, Altitude…)
  • automatic synchronisation of RDF Graph between agents
  • data transfert between agents


The kDB ROS server is started with:

ros2 run ros_kdb kdb_server

This will give access to all the functionnalities of the server, the database will be stored in $HOME/.ros_kdb/default. If a namespace is provided when starting the robot, with:

ros2 run ros_kdb kdb_server __ns:=/robot_ns

In this case, the database is stored in $HOME/.ros_kdb/robot_ns.


Base Knowledge

Many of the functionnalities of ros_kdb requires a base knoweldge, which is data stored in a directories, containing DEM, RDF Graph… Base knowledge can also be defined as python or ruby scripts.

Base knowledge directories can be added wit a krQL query, for instance:

ros2 service call /robot_ns/kdb_server/krql_query ros_kdb_interfaces/srv/QueryDatabase "queries: [{query: 'REGISTER BASE KNOWLEDGE directory: \"/path/to/directory\"'}]"

Topic Recording

SQL Query


Altitude Query

The kdb_server/get_altitude service allows to access the altitude given the coordinate. This service is only working if you have loaded a digital elevation map of the area, for instance, using the base knowledge functionnality.

ros2 service call /robot_ns/kdb_server/get_altitude ros_kdb_interfaces/srv/GetAltitude "{latitude: 58.494844, longitude: 15.102244, srid: 4326}"

Graph Synchronisation

Dataset Transfert


The following topics are covered for ROS tutorials: