In this tutorial, we will see how to start a kDB store, create a connection to one, and execute SQL/SPARQL queries. This tutortial covers the usage of the kDB library as a stand alone component for integration in other frameworks and application. Before starting with this tutorial, it is highly recommended to read the overview presentation of kDB.

Running examples from this tutorial can be found at the getting started examples.

Start a store

A store is a Postgres database. The kDB library handles the initialisation and manages the execution of the Postgres database. It also provides API for querying the database. A store can be started and stopped from the API or the command line.

  • #include <QDir>
    #include <kDB/Repository/Store.h>
    // The following will create a PostgreSQL database in 'path/to' using the default port 1242:
    kDB::Repository::Store store(QDir("path/to"));
    // The following will start the database, and initialize it if needed:
    // The following will shut down the database
  • from kDB.Repository import Store
    # The following will create a PostgreSQL database in 'path/to' using the default port 1242:
    store = Store("path/to")
    # The following will start the database, and initialize it if needed:
    # The following will shut down the database
  • require 'kDB/Repository'
    # The following will create a PostgreSQL database in 'path/to' using the default port 1242:
    store = "path/to"
    # The following will start the database, and initialize it if needed:
    # The following will shut down the database
  • # The following will create a PostgreSQL database in 'path/to/' using
    # the default port 1242:
    kdb store --path path/to/
    # Use Ctrl+C to stop the store.

Create a connection

A connection is needed by a client to connect to a store.

  • #include <kDB/Repository/Connection.h>
    // If the store is created in the same program, as previously, a connection can simply
    // be created with:
    kDB::Repository::Connection connection = store.createConnection();
    // Otherwise, assuming the directory of the store is 'path/to' and the port is 1242 it
    // can be created with:
    kDB::Repository::Connection connection = kDB::Repository::Connection::create("path/to", 1242);
    // Once a connection is created, it is required to connect
    // to a database with:
  • from kDB.Repository import Connection
    # If the store is created in the same program, as previously, a connection can simply
    # be created with:
    connection = store.createConnection()
    # Otherwise, assuming the directory of the store is 'path/to' and the port is 1242 it can
    # be created with:
    connection = Connection.create("path/to", 1242);
    # Once a connection is created, it is required to connect to a database with:
  • require 'kDB/Repository'
    # If the store is created in the same program, as previously, a connection can simply
    # be created with:
    connection = store.createConnection
    # Otherwise, assuming the directory of the store is 'path/to' and the port is 1242 it
    # can be created with:
    connection = KDB::Repository::Connection.create "path/to", 1242
    # Once a connection is created, it is required to connect to a database with:
  • No connection object is needed for the command line.

Execute an SQL/SPARQL Query

Once a connection is established to a database, it is possible to execute SQL or SPARQL queries.

  • #include <knowDBC/Query.h>
    #include <knowDBC/Result.h>
    #include <kDB/Repository/GraphsManager.h>
    #include <kDB/Repository/RDFDataset.h>
    #include <kDB/Repository/RDFEnvironment.h>
    // Assuming a 'connection' was created.
    // The following creates an SQL query, listing the content of the triples_stores table.
    knowDBC::Query query = connection.createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM triples_stores");
    // The following creates an SPARQL query, listing the content of an RDF Graph.
    kDB::Repository::RDFDataset info_rd = 
    knowDBC::Query query = connection.createSPARQLQuery({info_rd}, "SELECT * WHERE { ?x ?y ?z. }");
    // The following execute either the SQL or SPARQL query
    knowDBC::Result result = query.execute();
    // The following print the results on the terminal
    for(int i = 0; i < result.tuples(); ++i)
      std::cout << i;
      for(int j = 0; j < result.fields(); ++j)
        std::cout << " " << result.value(i, j).printable().expectSuccess().toStdString();
      std::cout << std::endl;
  • from kDB.Repository import RDFEnvironment
    from knowCore import Uri
    import knowRDF # This is needed to print literals
    # Assuming a 'connection' was created.
    # The following creates an SQL query, listing the content of the triples_stores table.
    query = connection.createSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM triples_stores")
    # The following creates an SPARQL query, listing the content of an RDF Graph.
    info_ts = connection.graphsManager().getTriplesStore(Uri(""))
    query = connection.createSPARQLQuery(
      "SELECT * WHERE { ?x ?y ?z. }")
    # The following execute either the SQL or SPARQL query
    result = query.execute()
    # The following print the results on the terminal
    for i in range(0, result.tuples()):
        print(str(i), end="")
        for j in range(0, result.fields()):
            print(f" {result.value(i, j)}", end="")
  • # Needed to handle literals, as results from SPARQL queries.
    require 'knowRDF'
    # Assuming a 'connection' was created.
    # The following creates an SQL query, listing the content of the triples_stores table.
    query = connection.createSQLQuery "SELECT * FROM triples_stores"
    # The following creates an SPARQL query, listing the content of an RDF Graph.
    info_ts = connection.graphsManager.getTriplesStore kCu("")
    query = connection.createSPARQLQuery(,
        "SELECT * WHERE { ?x ?y ?z. }")
    # The following execute either the SQL or SPARQL query
    result = query.execute
    # The following print the results on the terminal
    for i in 0...result.tuples
      print i
      for j in 0...result.fields()
        print " #{result.value(i, j)}"
  • # The following executes an SQL query, listing the content of the triples_stores table.
    kdb_query --path path/to --port 1242 --sql "SELECT * FROM triples_stores"
    # The following creates an SPARQL query, listing the content of an RDF Graph.
    kdb_query --path path/to --port 1242 --sparql --default-dataset "" "SELECT * WHERE { ?x ?y ?z. }"


The following tutorials expand on various aspect of kDB: