This page is part of the documentation of auKsys/5

WARNING auKsys/5 has been released as stable, but this documentation has not been fully updated with changes since auKsys/4. In case of questions or mistakes, you can use the support project.

Most common usage of kDB is for handling dynamic information in an autonomous system. However, such systems might be using some static information, such as geographic information, ontologies, automated planning definitions… Such information is handled by the kDBBaseKnowledge module. The module handles loading of the information in the database, it also monitor changes in the file system to update the content of the database, in case the base knowledge is updated.

Enabling kDBBaseKnowledge

kDBBaseKnowledge is provided as an extension, and need to be enabled in the store before it is used. This needs to be done only once after creating the store. Once an extension has been enabled, it is automatically available to all connections (current and future).

  • connection.enableExtension("kDBBaseKnowledge");
  • connection.enableExtension("kDBBaseKnowledge")
  • connection.enableExtension("kDBBaseKnowledge")

Loading base knowledge

  • kDBBaseKnowledge::Manager* m = c1.extensionObject<kDBBaseKnowledge::Manager>();
    // To add a directory
    // To add a file
  • kDBBaseKnowledge is not directly available in Python, but can be access via the krQL API:


    See queries in the krQL tab.

  • kDBBaseKnowledge is not directly available in Ruby, but can be access via the krQL API:

    connection.krQueryEngine.execute "..."

    See queries in the krQL tab.

  • The following query can be used to add all the files in a directory:

    register base knowledge:
      directory: '...'

    The following query can be used to add a file:

    register base knowledge:
      file: '...'

Supported Data

The following type of data can be loaded using the base knowledge module:

  • Orthoimages
  • DEM
  • RDF Data can be inserted using a SPARQL Update query
  • ttl files, via the execution of SPARQL Update queries
  • kdQL documents, via the execution of kdQL queries

TTL Files

To load a TTL file with the base knowledge, you can use the following SPARQL Update query:

LOAD <my_rdf_data.ttl> INTO GRAPH <> 

This query will load the file my_rdf_data.ttl in the graph. The query needs to be saved in a file with the extension .rq, for instance, load_my_rdf_data.rq.

kdQL Documents

kdQL documents are created using a kdQL query, for instance:

%TAG !,2023:
- drop:
    - my_data
- create:
    into: my_data
      - name: some name
        src: !include some_large_outside_file
        tags: [ 'a tag', 'and another' ]
      - name: some other name
        src: "I only have small amount of data."
        tags: [ 'I also have a tag' ]

This query create a collection of documents my_data with two documents. The tag !include can be used to load data saved in a seperate file. The query needs to be saved in a file with the extension .kdql, for instance, load_my_data.kdql.