ROS Computation Server
WARNING auKsys/5 has been released as stable, but this documentation has not been fully updated with changes since auKsys/4. In case of questions or mistakes, you can use the support project.
The computation server is part of the ros_pralin
package, and it allows to run pralin composition as a service.
It is started with:
ros2 run ros_pralin computation_server
New computation can be started with the start_processing
) service call. However, it can be difficult to pass computation as argument to ros2 service call
, it is therefore recommended to use run_computation
when starting computation from the command line, for instance, the following will run the computation defined in addition.yaml
(you can use the computation from pralin/compose introduction as an example):
ros2 run ros_pralin run_computation --namespace addition addition.yaml
The --namespace
is used to specify that the topic created for the computation server should be in the /addition
namespace. To select the ROS namespace for the computation server, this is done with --ros-args -r __ns:=/server_namespace
You can also run the following and it will read the computation from the terminal input:
ros2 run ros_pralin run_computation --stdin --namespace addition
When running the computation from the introduction tutorial, this will create three topics: /addition/a
, /addition/b
and /addition/c
# In a terminal
ros2 topic echo /addition/output_c
# In an other terminal
ros2 topic pub --once /addition/input_b std_msgs/msg/Float64 "data: 2.0"
ros2 topic pub --once /addition/input_a std_msgs/msg/Float64 "data: 1.0"
The calculation will be completed once the computation server has receive one message on each topic.
To keep the calculation running, we can pass the --repeat
ros2 run ros_pralin run_computation --repeat --namespace addition addition.yaml
Computation that are repeating needs to be stopped with a service call to stop_processing
ros2 service call /stop_processing ros_pralin_interfaces/srv/ControlProcessing "uuid: 'COMPUTATION UUID'"
You need to replace 'COMPUTATION UUID'
with the UUID show when executing run_computation
Integration with kDB
Assuming kDB and the computation server are started in the same ROS namespace, it is possible to create a connection to a kDB server using the following pralin operation:
- ros_kdb/create_connection_handle:
id: connection
For instance, the following composition can be used to extract all images from a dataset:
counter: &counter [0, 'add[0]']
source_dataset_uri: !required null
- ros_kdb/create_connection_handle:
id: connection
- kdb/sensing/query_image_dataset:
id: qid
inputs: ["connection[0]"]
query: !param source_dataset_uri
- for_each:
id: iterate_image
iterator: qid[0]
- pralin/values/string/format:
id: filename
inputs: [ [*counter] ]
format: "{}.jpg"
- opencv/imgcodecs/imwrite:
id: imwrite
inputs: [ "filename[0]", "iterate_image[0]"]
- pralin/arithmetic/addition:
id: add
inputs: [ *counter, 1]
Assuming a dataset with images was loaded in the database, through image recording or by importing, like it is done at the beginning of the dataset transfer tutorial.
The following show how to pass the parameters as argument to run_computation
ros2 run ros_pralin run_computation --parameters "{ source_dataset_uri: '' }" --stdin
For more detail on how to process image datasets, check the process images datasets tutorial.
- Introduction to pralin/compose and how to execute composition from the command line or an API.